Recipe Conversion Calculator

calculatrice de recette

This tool was designed to help you adapt your recipes based on the size and type of your mold. Do you have a favorite recipe, but want to make it in a different shape or size pan? Look no further, this calculator is made for you!

How to use the calculator:

  1. Enter the information for your original recipe: Select the type of mold used for the original recipe, its size, the height obtained by the recipe, as well as the cooking time.
  2. Enter the information for your own mold: Select the type of your mold, its size and the desired height for the recipe.
  3. Once all your information has been filled in, click on the “Calculate” button. The calculator will provide you with a fitting ratio for your ingredients, as well as an estimated cooking time for your own pan.

The Mold provided for in the Recipe:

Your Mold:

Result of your conversion

To adjust the quantities of ingredients in the recipe according to the size of your mold, you will need to multiply the ingredients by:

To give a concrete example, if your recipe indicates 100 grams of sugar, the amount to use to fit your mold would be:


The estimated cooking time is:

We hope that this Recipe Calculator will be useful to you and will help you succeed in all your pastries, regardless of the mold you use. Adapt, cook and above all, enjoy!


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