Maltitol powder - 750 g | Sosa Ingredients
Maltitol Sosa Ingredients 750 g is a 100% natural sugar substitute, derived from maltose obtained from starch. Perfectly suited for dietary preparations, it provides an effective alternative to traditional sucrose while maintaining a similar sweetness and limiting caloric impact.
🍃 Advantages of Maltitol:
- 100% natural : Derived from maltose, derived from starch.
- Sugar alternative: Effectively replaces traditional sucrose with 75 to 90% of its sweetness.
- Reduced in calories : Less caloric than regular sugar, ideal for dietary recipes.
- Low glycemic index: Lesser impact on blood sugar, perfect for low-sugar diets.
- Dental health : Does not promote dental cavities.
🥣 Recommended applications:
- Low-calorie desserts
- Dietary pastries
- Sugar-free chocolates
- Confectioneries with reduced sugar
Technical specifications:
- Sweetening power (POD): 80%
- Anti-crystallizing power (ACP): 99%
- Coloring temperature higher than that of sucrose.
Composition :
Ingredients: Maltitol (E965)
📌 Storage tips:
- To be stored in a cool, dry place
- In the shelter of light
- Hermetically sealed packaging after use
⏱ Preparation time: 48h to 72h before shipping.
Brand :
Sosa Ingredients