1. What is the main objective of the HACCP method?
A. Optimize food productionB. Managing food safety risks
C. Reduce production costs
D. Promote new recipes
2. How many principles are fundamental in the HACCP approach?
AT 5B.6
3. Which is NOT a type of hazard identified by HACCP?
A. AestheticsB. Organic
C. Chemical
D. Physics
4. In the context of HACCP, what does the term "critical point" mean?
A. A point where the product is packagedB. A point where a hazard can be prevented, eliminated or reduced
C. A point where ingredients are added
D. A point where the product is tasted for quality
5. Which step is crucial before implementing a HACCP plan?
A. Determine the project budgetB. Train the HACCP team
C. Perform a hazard analysis
D. Organize a product tasting